Ryan's Photography

The Isolation Project

photographs of hand holding blinds wand, man looking through blinds, and silhouette of man in foggy shower
"In the middle of the night I saw it all so clear.
I was so alone in your atmosphere."
photograph of man placing hands over mouth, silhouette of man looking out window, and tablet of zoom call on chair.
"Blinded by the light. Take me anywhere.
You pull me in, I push me out and disappear."
photograph of silhouette against glass, and man outside of glass door window.
"But I need somebody.
Honestly, I don't know who I'd be without it.
Misery loves company and I'm surrounded."
photograph of man in mirrored image looking at phone and hands on face.
"Honestly, I'm tired of feeling numb.
I think I lost myself."
photograph of silhouette holding hands out beneath a setting sun, and a man screaming in front of a window.
"Feels like I'm burning up, but still my heart is cold.
I try to scream it out, but still nobody knows."
photograph of a man in a mirror image. one half of the photo he is at a computer desk in front of the window and in the other half it is the computer desk in front of the window but the man is gone.
"No, they can't see 'cause can't I can't seem to show.
That I can't be alone."

Lyrics & Music by Normandie